Sunday, September 25, 2011

Genesis 2

On day 7, we rest.

God then plants a garden in Eden and puts the man there (the female we heard about in Chapter 1 is nowhere to be found). Eden is of course home to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. That's an odd role for a tree to have, isn't it?

Eden is also home to a river that has four tributaries. We learn where each goeth, including Ethopia, Assyria, Havilah. Very good.

God informs the man he can eat whatever he wants from the garden except from the tree of knowledge. Do that and you're toast. That makes as much sense as anything I guess.

We see Adam's name for the first time in the verse where God has Adam name all the animals. What language does Adam speak? And at this point how would he have any clue what he's doing or even what he's being asked?

I was wondering in Chapter 1 about this rib business but I didn't have to wait long. God fashions a "help meet" for the man from his rib. Get this, while Adam was asleep God took one of his ribs. Now if you created the earth and everything on it, why not just go ahead and create a woman too? Why the rib thing? Also, how in the hell do you take a rib and make a person from it? As luck would have it, God can do this and stitch Adam right back up so he's magically healed when he awakes.

A man leaves his father and mother (which don't exist at this point in the story, mind you) and "shall cleave unto his wife" and they shall be one flesh.

Adam and his wife are naked but not ashamed. How would they have any notion of clothes at this point?

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